The Ancient Stoneworks of New England and the Mystery Stone of New Hampshire

– B.L. Freeborn, July 2012 (updated May 2022)

What reward is there to thinking within the box? We have been trained to think within its four sided, top and bottom constraints.

About the time I went to school, there were whisperings that a guy named Leif may have come to America before Columbus. But it was still gospel that in 1492 the Old World discovered the New World and its people. We are still taught the New World’s people came to this continent via a long vanished land bridge in Alaska. And so, tests were designed, grades were determined, and to pass school, we were indoctrinated into these beliefs.

Perhaps you have heard that in Keuka, New York there were remains of an ancient settlement. Those remains have been erased and are sadly gone now forever.

There are many possibly ancient sites existing in the New England area of which nothing is ever said. There are an assortment of dolmens, menhirs, henges, and stone chambers all of which are strikingly similar to those found in the UK and Europe. In fact, some of these stones have writing on them in the Gaelic alphabet, Ogham, as shown above. (Stone has fallen over.) Just a few miles from Boston is a 30 acre site. If you dig deep enough in the literature and the internet (no need for a real shovel) you can find information on some of these sites. Few, if any, are protected except by diligent landowners. The possibility that they will vanish forever like the Keuka site is very real. Our very ancient world history is in jeopardy.

These sites are in addition to the massive array of ground works reportedly built by the Hopewell and Adena Indians that span the better part of North America. (By the way, the name Hopewell sounds English because it is the last name of a property owner upon which a group of mounds sat. The name Adena has a similar beginning.) We are taught today that they were ignorant natives that scooped up dirt in baskets and dropped it in places to build random piles. We are told they are of relatively recent origin (800 to 1000 AD) and probably built for burial purposes.

Miamisburg Mound, Ohio is shown in the picture as it appears today in 2012. The view is spectacular from the top. From this vantage point there is unlimited visibility and directed light can be seen for miles upon miles. The view shown here is towards the southeast looking in the direction of the Great Serpent Mound which is now an Ohio State park.

Perhaps this is one of the simple basket carrying people that helped to build the mounds in North America? Perhaps King Ashurbanipal (668 BC-626 BC) helped to build them. Here he carries a basket of soil to contribute to the rebuilding of a temple in Ancient Iraq.

I am giving you this background and posing these questions so that when I describe the New Hampshire Mystery Stone (next ten posts) you will understand this stone did not just appear from nowhere. It simply cannot be a hoax. It may have been stolen from the artist and hidden, but nothing this beautiful gets tossed carelessly away. It is more likely that it was part of a burial near Lake Winnipesaukee.. And when do I think this person was buried? The information on the stone is too old and too forgotten by us, and even the Native Peoples, to be of recent origin.

The message of this stone is not “a lone voice in the wilderness crying out.” This stone is a beautifully rendered version of the message that has echoed across the ages. It is an incredibly important message that is about to reverberate clearly again.

Once you understand the message it becomes understandable why our ancestors built these monuments, and so very, very unclear as to how we managed to forget so dreadfully much.

To continue to stay within the box is to cheat ourselves. Just because our education does not allow for any of these possibilities, does not mean they are not true. One must step out of the box just long enough to hear the message of the Mystery Stone. There is plenty of time to jump back in to its small confines afterwards.


7 thoughts on “The Ancient Stoneworks of New England and the Mystery Stone of New Hampshire

  1. J Rankin says:

    Fantastic! Nice Ogham, nice hill.Talk about high views and long sight! The head is amazing. I see corn, and down below it looks like a fox one way, and a deer upside down. Can’t wait to see what you have to say about this. There’s also a picture of King Gudea with a basket on his head, he was sometime between 2200-2100 BCE. He had the Girsu Temple built in Lagash.

    • Gilgemesh says:

      I thought you would like the Ogham. Been waiting to post it. The stone was found in eastern Vermont and I believe it is now at Castleton College (western Vermont).

  2. J Rankin says:

    Was there some ancient mining operation in that area? One of those symbols is Rowan, which keeps you on the straight and narrow, but was used for metal divining also. I know what the head means, but you can tell the story. Are there other things carved on the head? Like a bird for instance?i

    • Gilgemesh says:

      No ancient mining operations have ever been found in Vermont. (That have been publicized.) The other images are a tepee, arrows, a twirl, a circle and more arrows.

      I have not found any explanations for it except a thunder stone and a treaty stone. If you know of another explanation then I would like to hear it, of course.

      Your insight is always great.

  3. J Rankin says:

    Best do your post, have to think on this, and do some more reading. Although I would like to see how the other objects are arranged on the head.

  4. This is a very interesting article . In Ireland our history tells us that the Irish went to America in ancient time and wrote on the stones . St Brendan rhe navigator went in the seventh century and a St Barrfhionn before that . They called one of the areas Maine after an area in County Galway Ireland – called Uí Maine names after Máine .son of Niall of the Nine Hostages King of Donegal and Ireland . There is a lot more proof .

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