Stonehenge I, The Aubrey Posts and the Torah?

J. Rankin who posts at Thothistheibis asked, “Why are the Aubrey Posts at Stonehenge at a 6.428571 degree spacing? And have I seen the number before in my Torah research?”

First to bring myself and others up to speed on the Aubrey Posts: there are 56 holes inside the bank at Stonehenge I which have been filled in with chalk, debris and human remains. No astronomical purpose can be determined for them. The circle has a diameter of 891 feet. The holes are typically 30 inches deep and about 41.7″ wide.

The square root of 7920 (the diameter of the planet in miles) is 89 which seems remarkably similar to 891.

J. Rankin points out that 6.428571 is 45 divided by 7. It is also the square root of 41.32. No other meaning could be attached to it at this time.

The angle 6.428571 is derived from dividing the circle of 360 degrees by the 56 holes of the circle.

Which leads to: “Why 56 holes and what are they about?” There are many offered explanations available in the Wikipedia Article on the subject. The conclusion is that after many, many years and much study, no one can explain them.

Each and every ancient site appears to have a number associated with it. An obvious example is the Giza Pyramid. It is a five sided pyramid which means the site number is 5 but! It is truncated so it is 6 sided. 5 x 6 = 30 and you have its latitude and currently its longitude. The 5 and 6 also forms 56.

The holes were dug 30″ deep. 5 x 6 = 30, another use of 56. The diameter of the circle is 891 feet which gives a circumference of 2799.4 feet or 2800 feet. And we can see 2800 x 2 = 5600. Another use of 56.

The 56 does not appear to be astronomical in nature. It may or may not be just ceremonial. Further study is required for understanding.

Whereas Stonehenge with its massive stones is for watching the heavens, the outer circle with its 56 silent white markers were perhaps for ceremony and remembrance. The answer is not in the angle between them but the number 56 itself.

This is one of the most important numbers to be found in the Torah, yet it is quiet and obscure. It keeps its own mystery.

(Update Nov. 2018, September 2022)

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7 thoughts on “Stonehenge I, The Aubrey Posts and the Torah?

  1. J Rankin says:

    Thanks for your answer. Interesting. The Aubrey holes were used as a calendar, and for people learning surveying. Likely other things as well, they liked multi purpose stuff. 6.5 X 56 = 364. So 6.5 times around the Aubrey holes, plus one day, gives you one year. I explain how they were used in Following the White Trail to Stonehenge Part II. Venus takes 584 days to come back to the same spot in our sky. Ten times around the Aubrey hole circle, plus 24 days. There was an amazing conjuction there of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter in 3133 BCE and Venus sat over the Heel Stone or Frejya’s He-ol Stone. The Heel Stone is Venus’ tracker.

    In 3000 BCE the angle, between Sunrise on the Summer Soltsice and full Moon rise closest to Winter Solstice at the Minor position, was 6.428571 degrees.This is one of the reasons it is divided into 56 holes. That angle is connected to eclipses. There is also approximately 6.428571 hours between Sunset and a Lunar eclipse at Stonehenge. Had a look at it on the astronomy program after reading what Gerald Hawkins had to say about it.

    The Druids kept cycles of years. 5 years is one lustre, 6 lustres is one month of years or 30 years. 21 months of years is 630, which is one Druid Era. There’s that 5 and 6 again. At Stonehenge, the 21 would come from the Aubrey holes. There are two divisions of 21 and 7 Aubrey holes between the four Station Stones. The Stonehenge site can be read as one big Ogham message, based on the numbers, which you’d likely find interesting. Think I have that in part VI. They were already doing number coding at Stonehenge when the Aubrey holes were built. The Ogham message gives information about many things. And as for astronomy, they were doing that there in 7000 BCE. In part I, you will find how they divided the circle into 56. The Wessex lord’s large gold lozenge shows up there. The Temple part, well……. that was just icing on the cake!

    • Gilgemesh says:

      Ok. That’s interesting. I will be reading them in the morning.

      You had described in one of your posts that waves of different people had occupied the islands over the years. Is it possible this accounts for different yet related views on the same sites? They would have been occupied and used by different people but with related ideologies over the centuries.

      • J Rankin says:

        It is the opinion of Bryan Sykes and Stephen Oppenheimer that both the hunter gatherers and the Windmill Hill people are the earliest Celts in the UK and Ireland.The Windmill Hill people came from the Iberian Peninsula and already had several strands of different people among them. So their ideas may already have fused into one religion. However, just as in the Middle East and Egypt, they may have had their own particular god or goddess that they followed, apart from the main lot. But I do smell Egypt and Sumer there, and what became Celtic religion may have been somewhat different in the beginning. Inanna of Sumer was the first triple goddess, she was Venus, Virgo and one of the twins in Gemini. Eventually the Celts had Brigid who was the triple goddess. Around 2400 BCE a new lot of people do seem to have made it to England, they may have been the Beaker people, but this is still under debate. Were they a new people or did new ideas just take hold? The stone circles, etc. just seem to have kept on being used without any break. About the only thing that changed was the burials. They went from long barrows to round barrows, but the elite still seem to have been the only ones buried in them. The only other change seems to have been the new wealth that shows up in the graves. But this may just show that this whole society was now much wealthier. The wealthy Wessex lords do seem to have had a great deal of cattle, sheep and pigs. I think the UK may have become one of the early trading nations, and they did it by water long before the Phoenicians show up in history.

      • Gilgemesh says:

        How far back do you think the Phoenicians date?

      • J Rankin says:

        The experts say 2300 BCE, but I think there were mariners long before that. I just call them The Navigators, since I’m not too sure about their background. The Phoenicians belong to Y-chromosome haplogroup J, which is one of the oldest male haplogroups. A subdivision J2 can be found in the Middle East and around the Mediterranean, but thins out considerably by the time you get to Spain, France and England. In the south of England it runs 2-10%, but this could have been introduced by Ashkenazi Jews.
        However, having said that, the left overs from the tin mines in Cornwall have always been referred to by local folk as “Jews’ leavings”.

      • Gilgemesh says:

        Very interesting. You are quoting DNA statistics from somewhere? Does Brian Sykes have updated research? There is also this to consider in mariner travels. This was described by Constance Irwin in “Fair Gods and Stone Faces.” Traders would sail to a location, disembark long enough to leave their goods on the beach and then go back to their ship and wait. The locals would come, investigate and leave what they considered to be fair exchange. They would leave. The mariners would return and investigate, if they considered the exchange fair they left, if not they went back to the ship and waited. The villagers would leave more, etc. No exchange of DNA, and limited transfer of germs. So, no DNA today does not mean they were not in contact. And also Sykes points out that you can only test people who survive. If the Hatfields wiped out the McCoy’s in Little Ancient Fortress in 1000 AD with their J2 subdivision would it still appear today? Of course, but only if the locals didn’t suspect his Pa was fence jumping McCoy.

      • J Rankin says:

        I’m quoting what I found at Wikipedia about the Phoenicians. Bryan Sykes is a DNA researcher at Oxford and has written several books.

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